This article applies to Ubuntu 8.04/10.04. I referred to the instruction here: And I’ll use my qastrologer project to demo the building procedure.

1. Install build tool packages:

2. Get the source package, exact it into ~/packages/qastrologer. The directory structure should like: ~/packages/qastrologer/qastrologer-<version>/<source>. The <source> directory contains your *.pro file.

3. Add install section in *.pro file. Otherwise, the built package contains not binary:

I referred to the guild here: For more information on how to use the INSTALLS macro, refer to the Qt document:

4. Run dh_make. This will create the basic debian package structure.

We are generating a single binary package and licensed with GPL. After running the command, a “debian” subdirectory is created. Now we need to fill in more useful infomations.

5. “rules” file:

It is the most important build script. The cdbs already have support for building QMake projects. Our “rules” file is simple:

Last line ensures we use Qt4. I referred to the source of minitube project. You can access it via:

6. “control” file:

This file controls build and binary dependency. For my qastrologer, the default values are enough. You may want to have some minor changes in “Section”/”Priority”/”Maintainer” values. Since I want to keep my package installs from 8.04 to 10.04 and above, I must specify the minimum dependencies manually to use Qt 4.3. So my “control” file looks like:

Note, the default “control” file uses “${shlibs:Depends}” and “${misc:Depends}” macros to generate binary dependencies automatically. Refer to the man page of debhelper to get more information.

7. Fill in “changelog” and “copyright” files.

8. Build the package:

For full build of the package (build source, deb, clean…) run:

Instead if you have a big package, you can also build only the deb file with:

As starting with version 4.4, the size of Qt source grows extremely fast. It take hours or even a entire afternoon to build it with full feature enabled. Since I do not use advanced features like Webkit or Phonon, I always build Qt with them disabled. I will show and explain my configure parameters in 4.3 and 4.6 in both windows and linux build in this article.

Windows Build

v4.3, just disable the qt3support module:

v4.6, more modules are disabled:

Qt4.4 added concurrent, webkit, phonon and xmlpattern code, and the format of help files was changed.

Qt4.5 added the gtkstyle. In configure script, -make and -nomake switch are added. But official support for VC6 and VS2002 were dropped. Actually, VC6 generates incorrect code.

Qt4.6 added javascriptcore backend for QtScript module. So I added the “-no-script” switch.

Maybe you have noted, there’s no “-no-make” switch exists before Qt4.5. So, how to exclude building of demos and examples? I looked into the v4.5 source code of configure.exe(located in $QTSRC/tools/configure), and found all “no-make” parts are just excluded by writing to a .qmake.cache file. After running configure, the .qmake.cache file may have a line like:

Now just keep the first 2 entries.

Linux Build

From v4.6, there’s only one all-in-one source package, no separate platform-specific source packages are provided. I firstly chose the But even its configure script did not run. Finally, I found it’s a line ending issue, and we need to convert it first using dos2unix utility.

Now convert line endings:

The first 3 lines ensure running of configure script. The last line ensures correct generation of makefiles. Without it, no separated debug info are generated and you may also encounter errors when linking the assistant application as described in QTBUG-5471. The qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.3.tar.gz with *nix line endings does not need above steps and may have less undiscovered build issues.

I’ve tested this approach under Hardy(Ubuntu8.04) and Lucid(Ubuntu10.04). Under Lucid, the dos2unix/unix2dos utility seems to be renamed to fromdos/todos. Just replace the command name.

We can configure it now:

v4.3, as easy as windows:

v4.6, we do not have s60 and gesture switches:

After running configure, modify the .qmake.cache file to remove unnecessary entries.

Long time no post here. Recently, I reported 3 bugs to QTerm project and patches were provided. This is my first time to contribute an open-source project.

Then I was able to build my private patched debian package of QTerm with the guide here. I just use the official debian package meta info found in this mirror site. Some notes to take:
1. The path should be like: /home/<your_name>/packages/<your_project>/
2. Before running “dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot”, check the debian/control file to see what packages is required to build.
3. The revision of package seems to be controlled by debian/changelog.

My private build file can be found in my skydrive:
– For Hardy(8.04): QTerm 0.5.7
– For Lucid(10.04): QTerm 0.5.11

I read source code in QTerm and FQTerm today. Since I want to find reference for Ascii rendering control in my QAnsiEditor project. After hours of tracing and debugging, I was able to use the rendering control in simplest code. Here’s the patch in src/main.cpp:

The screenshot of standalone mode:


The complete patch and patched source can be found here:

1. QSkin:
QSkin is a framework for easier skinning Windows GUI applications. It uses hook technologies, so applications can apply a skin with almost no changes.
The initial ‘Q’ comes from my last name. 🙂

2. QAnsiEditor:
QAnsiEditor is a program to edit Ansi graphics. It aims to run on multiple platforms base on Qt library.

I will start to code the 2nd project first. Hope I can update it daily.
Release early, release often. =.=