std::thread and std::future in C++11

This is a quick note to chapter 4 of C++ Concurrency in Action.

1. std::thread

In C++11, It’s quite simple to create a separate thread using std::thread. Following code will simply output “hello world” or “world hello”:

2. std::mutex and std::condition_variable

If you need synchronization between threads, there are std::mutex and std::condition_variable. The semantics are the same with that in pthread library. Here’s a simple producer/consumer demo:

3. std::future with std::async()

C++11 also simplifies our work with one-off events with std::future. std::future provides a mechanism to access the result of asynchronous operations. It can be used with std::async(), std::packaged_task and std::promise. Starting with std::async():

std::async() gives two advantages over the direct usage of std::thread. Threads created by it are automatically joined. And we can now have a return value. std::async() decides whether to run the callback function in a separate thread or just in the current thread. But there’s a chance to specify a control flag(launch::async or launch::deferred) to tell the library, what approach we want it to run the callback.

When testing With gcc-4.8, foo() is not called. But with VC++2013, it does output “hello”.

4. std::future with std::packaged_task

With std::async(), we cannot control when our callback function is invoked. That’s what std::packaged_task is designed to deal with. It’s just a wrapper to callables. We can request an associated std::future from it. And when a std::packaged_task is invoked and finished, the associated future will be ready:

In waiter() and waiter2(), future::get() blocks until the associating std::packaged_task completes. You will always get “in pt” before “after f.get()” and “in pt2” before “after f2.get()”. They are synchronized.

5. std::future with std::promise

You may also need to get notified in the middle of a task. std::promise can help you. It works like a lightweight event.

Future and Promise are the two separate sides of an asynchronous operation. std::promise is used by the “producer/writer”, while std::future is used by the “consumer/reader”. The reason it is separated into these two interfaces is to hide the “write/set” functionality from the “consumer/reader”:

Again in waiter() and waiter2(), future::get() blocks until a value or an exception is set into the associating std::promise. So “setting p” is always before “f.get()” and “setting p2” is always before “f2.get()”. They are synchronized.

NOTE: std::future seems to be not correctly implemented in VC++2013. So the last two code snippet do not work with it. But you can try the online VC++2015 compiler(still in preview as this writing), it works.

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