Generally, A logger is a singleton class. The declaration may look like:

The Init function is used to set log name or maybe other configuration information. And We can use the Write function to write logs.

Well, in a multithreaded environment, locks must be added to prevent concurrent issues and keep the output log in order. And sometimes we want to have separate log configurations. How can we implement it without breaking the original interfaces?

One easy way is to maintain a list of all available Logger instances, so that we can find and use a unique Logger in each thread. The approach is somehow like the one used in log4j. But log4j reads configuration files to initialize loggers, while our configuration information is set in runtime.

Another big issue is that we must add a new parameter to the GetInstance function to tell our class which Logger to return. The change breaks interfaces.

By utilizing TLS (thread-local storage), we can easily solve the above issues. Every logger will be thread-local, say every thread has its own logger instance which is stored in its thread context. Here comes the declaration for our new Logger class, boost::thread_specific_ptr from boost library is used to simplify our TLS operations:

Simply use boost::thread_specific_ptr to wrap the original 2 static variables, and they will be in TLS automatically, that’s all. The implementation:

Our test code:

Output when using the original Logger may look like:

When using the TLS version, it may look like:

Everything is in order now. You may want to know what OS API boost uses to achieve TLS. I’ll show you the details in boost 1.43:

The underlying API is TlsGetValue under windows and pthread_getspecific under *nix platforms.