This post just walk through the usage of CIMPLE and OpenPegasus in CentOS 5.x. For background knowledge, please refer to wikipedia.

In CentOS 5.x, just install OpenPegasus(2.9.1) from yum:

We install the devel package since CIMPLE needs to build against it. I used CIMPLE 1.2.4. Before build it, we should fix broken symbolic links of OpenPegasus package, otherwise link error occurs:

There’s also a trivial bug which prevent CIMPLE from generating CMPI version of makefiles. Edit ${CIMPLE}/src/tools/genmak/main.cpp, find line “case ‘c'”, and change to “case ‘C'”. Now configure and make:

Aha!! Another annoying bug: wrong permissions in *.tar.gz source package. Fix with:

Demo code refers to CIMPLE official tutorial. It can be found in source package. A repository.mof file is created first:

Run genproj to generate class files, provider files, and module files:

Generate makefiles using genmak. First line is for OpenPegasus adapter, while second line for CMPI adapter:

We implemented President::get_instance() and President::enum_instance() in our code:

If get_instance() returns GET_INSTANCE_UNSUPPORTED, the adapter satisfies the request by calling enum_instances() and searching for a matching instances. It is recommend to leave get_instance() unsupported when the total number of instances is small.

After making your module, a registration is required for OpenPegasus CIM server. Start your server and register. The shared library should also be copied to OpenPegasus’s providers folder manually:

To unregister this provider, run:

You may want to dump MOF registration instance for your provide:

Install command line utilities and test OpenPegasus server:

Test our President provider:

All code can be found in my skydrive here: