Smart Pointers in C++0x and Boost (2)

1. Environment

– windows xp
– gcc-4.4
– boost-1.43

2. auto_ptr

A smart pointer is an abstract data type that simulates a pointer while providing additional features, such as automatic garbage collection or bounds checking. There’s auto_ptr in C++03 library for general use. But it’s not so easy to deal with it. You may encounter pitfalls or limitations. The main drawback of auto_ptr is that it has the transfer-of-ownership semantic. I just walk through it. Please read comments in code carefully:

3. unique_ptr

To resolve the drawbacks, C++0x deprecates usage of auto_ptr, and unique_ptr is the replacement. unique_ptr makes use of a new C++ langauge feature called rvalue reference which is similar to our current (left) reference (&), but spelled (&&). GCC implemented this feature in 4.3, but unique_ptr is only available begin from 4.4.

What is rvalue?

rvalues are temporaries that evaporate at the end of the full-expression in which they live (“at the semicolon”). For example, 1729, x + y, std::string(“meow”), and x++ are all rvalues.

While, lvalues name objects that persist beyond a single expression. For example, obj, *ptr, ptr[index], and ++x are all lvalues.

NOTE: It’s important to remember: lvalueness versus rvalueness is a property of expressions, not of objects.

We may have another whole post to address the rvalue feature. Now, let’s take a look of the basic usage. Please carefully reading the comments:

One can ONLY make a copy of an rvalue unique_ptr. This confirms no ownership issues occur like that of auto_ptr. Since temporary values cannot be referenced after the current expression, it is impossible for two unique_ptr to refer to a same pointer. You may also noticed the move function. We will also discuss it in a later post.

Some more snippet:

unique_ptr can hold pointers to an array. unique_ptr defines deleters to free memory of its internal pointer. There are pre-defined default_deleter using delete and delete[](array) for general deallocation. You can also define your customized ones. In addition, a void type can be used.

NOTE: To compile the code, you must specify the -std=c++0x flag.

4. shared_ptr

A shared_ptr is used to represent shared ownership; that is, when two pieces of code needs access to some data but neither has exclusive ownership (in the sense of being responsible for destroying the object). A shared_ptr is a kind of counted pointer where the object pointed to is deleted when the use count goes to zero.

Following snippet shows the use count changes when using shared_ptr. The use count changes from 0 to 3, then changes back to 0:

Snippets showing pointer type conversion:

The void type can be used directly without a custom deleter, which is required in unique_ptr. Actually, shared_ptr has already save the exact type info in its constructor. Refer to source code for details :). And static_pointer_cast function is used to convert between pointer types.

Unlike auto_ptr, Since shared_ptr can be shared, it can be used in STL containers:

NOTE: shared_ptr is available in both TR1 and Boost library. You can use either of them, for their interfaces are compatible. In addition, there are dual C++0x and TR1 implementation. The TR1 implementation is considered relatively stable, so is unlikely to change unless bug fixes require it.

5. weak_ptr

weak_ptr objects are used for breaking cycles in data structures. See snippet:

If we use uncomment to use shared_ptr, head is not freed since there still one reference to it when exiting the function. By using weak_ptr, this code works fine.

6. scoped_ptr

scoped_ptr template is a simple solution for simple needs. It supplies a basic “resource acquisition is initialization” facility, without shared-ownership or transfer-of-ownership semantics.

This class is only available in Boost. Since unique_ptr is already there in C++0x, this class may be thought as redundant. Snippet is also simple:

Complete and updated code can be found on google code host here. I use conditional compilation to swith usage between TR1 and Boost implementation in code. Hope you find it useful.

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