那众所周知邪恶的GFW 我就不多介绍了, 直接进主题:

1) gladder
这是firefox 的扩展, 利用的是在线代理. 缺点是https 不支持.

2) tor
基于tor 协议, 具体是什么我也不清楚. 对于firefox 来说有一个torbutton 的扩展, 很方便. 缺点是非常的慢…

3) your freedom
基于java 的代理工具, 具体实现好像跟tor 很像, 也不太清楚, 运行一个简单的jar 文件就搞定了. 能https, 速度的话最大64k/s, 个人觉得下片子够了, 呵呵.

由于skydrive 更改外链链接, 导致媒体播放器长久显示不出, 现已修正, 特此公告= =v

4.19 更新
疑似skydrive 每天都会更改链接地址, 暂且没有可以上传mp3 的永久地址, 所以就先这样吧…

Applying UML and Patterns

我连这种圣经级的书都没看完, 请先bs 我.

大三的时候就买了书, 当时看得时候累的要死, 而且看了完全都忘记了. 现在再看, 好了不少.

本书以UP(Unified Process)为蓝本, 介绍了OOA/D(Object-Oriented Analysis/Design) 和UML 的相关概念. 按照UP 定义, 一个UP 项目可以划分为4个阶段(phase): 初始(inception), 细化(elaboration), 构建(construction), 移交(transition). 书里主要关注初始和细化阶段, 并把细化阶段分成了3个迭代(iteration).

最受益的是, 书中介绍的OOA 的部分, 以及OOA, OOD 如何过渡的部分. OOA 其实上课的时候说过很多, 但是不系统. 外国人写书就是这样, 很相似的概念可以花一大章节来辨明. 比如多次强调领域模型(domain model, 属于OOA中的概念) 和领域层(domain layer, 属于OOD中的概念) 中的类(class) 是不一样的. 中间还有一个低表示差异(low represental gap) 的概念, 以便前者触发(inspire)后者的设计.

关于设计模式, 之前就复习过那本经典的<<design pattern>>. 而读了这本书之后, 似乎找到了所有23 种GoF 模式的指导思想: 低耦合(low coupling), 高内聚(high cohesion).

书里关于细化的iteration-1, iteration-2 的内容花了很多时间来看, 而之后iteration-3 中所谓的高级内容却感觉很容易, 真搞笑. 虽然不敢说对于23 种GoF 模式都烂熟于胸, 但15, 16种总是有的吧. 以前在写jsp 网页的时候, 调用struts, hibernate 库(library)简直是顺理成章啊. 高级内容中就涉及到了这2 个框架(framework) 的设计. 还有就是用了不要用的3 层(layer)架构, 呵呵, 书里并没有说具体分多少层, 只说了分层的目的还是在于: 低耦合, 高内聚.

好了好了, 好像一点也不像笔记啊 = =b.

Just take a record. The purpose is to find a GDI+ replacement library.

a) CxImage
Many image formats are supported. It can be used seamlessly under windows with SDK/MFC. Its main disadvantage is that its support for linux is poor. Version 6.0 does not have linux source packages. While with version 5.99, I can only use it to convert between image formats.

b) FreeImage
Like CxImage, is supports many image formats. Since it focus on image shift and manipulation, how to display a image under windows/linux is not issued. There IS a FAQ to tell windows user how to draw images using GDI. But images with alpha channel(like png) is not displayed normally.

c) ImageMagick
A console application to manipulate images. It also provides API for programming, but not displaying.

d) cairo
It’s a powerful cross-platform graphics engine. GTK+ use it to render the majority of its widgets. Firefox and SWT/linux also use it. It can be used as a substantiation for GDI+ under windows. But image format support is limited. Only png can be loaded only with this library.

e) DevIL
Formerly known as “OpenIL” and takes role as a cross-platform image library. It has a high rating at sourceforge. However, I was not able to compile its samples using visual studio. They are broken maybe. Skip.

f) wxWidgets
I wonder why so many excellent image/graphics libraries have insufficient feature. Finally, I found that since a image will be display on a DC(Device Context in GDI) or GC(Graphics Context in X11), a cross-platform display media is also needed. Then I continued to search for light-weight cross-platform GUI libraries and turned to wxWidgets.
wxWidgets is simpler than Qt. It can display bmp/jpg/png/tiff images and fills my requirements.

g) Juce
It’s a surprise that I finally knew Juce. From Spy++ tool under windows, I found that all controls of the toolkit is drawn by self, say, they do not use native windows controls and do not have handles like Qt. But it’s much simpler than Qt and contains a UI designer to generate ready-to-compile C++ code. Here’s a demo I created with designer:

You may also see a shadow under the window like Macintosh 🙂
The only issue is that it has a GPL license. haha !